

L'homme n'est qu'un roseau, le plus faible de la nature;
mais c'est un roseau pensant.

Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed.

“A thinking reed”is a famous quoted by Blaise Pascal, a French Mathematician and it is an excerpt of Thoughts.

Blaise thought about the advantages and meanings of being a human being from the view of universe and nature.

In Thoughts, Blaise said that Universe can easily beat human being, BUT the thought of human being always goes beyond the thought of universe.

Human being has dignity because of he or she is able to think and know how to make him or herself become stronger.

‘Roseau Pensant’, our company name, is the original words of ‘a thinking reed’ in French, which means ‘Think Proactively, Act Actively ’. This is also as the same as our company culture.

The mission, also the basic principle of our company is to meet the challenges, to overcome the difficulties, and to make greater contribution to the society with our dreams and passion.

Now the digital era comes and also be beneficial from the development of transportation, the boundary countries and places cannot be clearly defined, which makes the world become a real global village.

Through our power of information technology, marketing and communication skills, and creative design, we hope to better link Japan to the rest of world, we hope to contribute the society in our own way.

We will always think proactively, act actively, with our highly passion and enthusiasm, to help companies and individual, and of course, ourselves to solve any problems and finally achieve the goals.

President Hidenobu Kanbaru